The number one step to attract butterflies is simply providing the food they like – which is generally plants. The adult butterflies are attracted to nectar plants from which they sip nectar. They are also attracted to their host plants which are the specific plants where the females lay their eggs.
Best Garden Plants to Attract Butterflies.
Having only nectar plants in your garden will certainly attract adult butterflies to feed (drink) as they flutter by. The more plants you have, the more butterflies you will see. But if you really want to attract butterflies in large numbers you may want to consider adding some host plants so the entire butterfly life cycle can take place in your backyard. That’s when things get fun!
Here are some great nectar plants to consider that are well known for attracting a variety of butterflies:
Asters– Asters native to your area will probably perform best
Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii – purple, blue and pink may attract more butterflies than yellow and white)
Cosmos sulphureus
Joe Pye Weed
Lantana camara – Most all colors are attractive to butterflies. I have seen ‘Miss Huff’ mentioned frequently as an excellent butterfly magnet and I have had great success with ‘Red Spread’.
Milkweed (also doubles as a host plant for Monarchs but MANY butterfly species like to nectar at the flowers)
Pentas lanceolata
Phlox – Especially Phlox paniculata
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Verbena bonariensis
Zinnia elegans
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