Phostine Premium Schools is a government approved school which started operation on the 16th September 2016. The school is unique in that it offers an exclusive blend of British system of education and that of the Nigerian Curriculum.
This distinctive mix of academic excellence, pastoral care, and a rich co-curricular programme helps to instil in pupils a love of learning and a clear set of values in ways that are exciting, challenging, ambitious as well as fun.
Phostine Premium Schools has since made ground breaking progress and achievements. The school, known for its class of unique approaches towards everything about education, has continued to evolve tailor-made strategies of imparting children positively. Within the short period of its existence Phostine Premium Schools has participated in many competitions and has won laurels.
The school has continue to challenge the high and mighty in education anywhere it meets them. Phostine Premium Schools is the school to beat in its catchment area. The school is well known for setting new standard in quality education due to the quality of research.
To be the most acceptable and admired school for its people, processes, contents and qualitative educational standards.
To be a choice provider of superior technologically driven qualitative education for pupils and students. This we will do through the deployment of state of the art technology and well trained personnel in order to provide superior quality alternative for parents in deciding the future of their children. We are committed to positioning the school to take advantage of opportunities both now and in the future for the benefit of all stakeholders.
The e-Game Library provides the children with a more simulating environment that foster faster comprehension and active participation.
At the Montessori Centre, we help children concretize their learning with the use of all of their senses. It also offers opportunities to develop their potentials. Our concept of Montessori is one that is rooted in the understanding that internal satisfaction drives children curiosity and interest. The Montessori unit is manned by a professional Montessori instructor and support staff.
Our services cover:
We are admitting into:
Phostine Premium Schools is a brand with a growing population above industry growth rate. This is expected for a school known for innovation and creativity.
We have two Reception classes, two Nursery classes, two Key Stage-1 (Lower Primary) classes and Three Key Stage-2 (Upper Primary) classes
These are grouped by age;
Early Years | |
Classes | Age Bracket |
Reception1 | 15 months to 2-years old |
Reception 2 | 2 to 3 years old |
Nursery 1 | 3-4 years old |
Nursery 2 | 4 to 5 years old |
Key Stage 1 (Lower Primary) | |
Classes | Age Bracket |
Grade 1 | 5 to 6 years old |
Grade 2 | 6 to 7 years old |
Key Stage 2 (Upper Primary) | |
Classes | Age Bracket |
Grade 3 | 7 to 8 years old |
Grade 4 | 8 to 9 years old |
Grade 5 | 9-10 years old |
A blend of British and Nigeria Curriculum lies at the heart of what we teach at Phostine Premium Schools. Our Curriculum provides a framework that sets clear expectations for pupils learning. Its criteria, element and aspect are designed to aid children's learning in a unique way, hence our unique results.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Key stage Curriculum are both designed to:
The curriculum at Phostine Premium Schools is not static and is subject to ongoing social, political, economic, scientific and technological development in order to enhance delivery to our children.
For children to learn successfully, we believe they need:
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is taught to young children between the ages of two - (Reception classes) and five (Nursery classes). At whatever stage children begin pre-school or school, they would have had a range of different experiences. They would have learnt a great deal, particularly from their families, and would have varied interests and skills.
At Phostine Premium Schools, it is our aim to make learning for children a rewarding and enjoyable experience in which they explore, investigate, discover, create, practice, rehearse, repeat, revise and consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes.
During the Early Years Foundation Stage, many of these aspects of learning are brought together effectively through play and talk. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is organized into six areas of learning:
The British/Nigeria Curriculum is divided into Core and Foundation subjects, and is taught to children in Nursery-2 ( which is equivalent to Grade-1 at Phostine due to abridge system) to Grade-5.
Each subject has a programme of study which specifies the knowledge, skills and concepts that the children will be expected to acquire as they progress in their studies.
In studying English, children develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. This enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, and helps them communicate with others effectively. Great emphasis is placed on developing children's spoken language, as this is crucial for learning to
read, write, to be numerate and successful in all areas of learning.
Mathematics equips children with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. Children are involved in a broad range of activities
in order to learn mathematical concepts and develop numeracy. They are given practical experience, investigative tasks, regular practice and memorization of mathematical facts and procedures to develop mental skills.
Science stimulates and excites children’s curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It links direct
practical experience with ideas, and therefore engages children's interest. Children are taught to differentiate, classify,
recognize relationships and select information from a variety of sources. They develop skills in hypothesizing, testing and evaluating ideas, and communicating using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables.
Computer literacy is an essential skill in the modern world. All children at Phostine Premium Schools have the opportunity to work with computers and
digital equipment from age three to eleven. They are taught how to use ICT tools safely to find, explore, analyze and present information responsibly and creatively in order to advance their learning across the curriculum.
Religious and National Values enables children to acquire knowledge and understanding of religious insights, beliefs and practices, so that they are able to continue in, or come to, their own beliefs. They also learn to respect other people who hold different beliefs from their own.
History fires children’s curiosity about the past in Nigeria and the wider world. In studying history, children consider how the past influences the present,
what past societies were like, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. In Geography, children develop knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, and a range of investigative
and problem-solving skills. The school aims to use the immediate local area, as well as internet resources to enhance the learners’ experience.
Art stimulates creativity and imagination. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts has the power to enrich our lives. During
their time in school, children are introduced to a wide variety of creative activities including drawing, painting, modelling, printing and paper craft, and they are taught to use materials with precision and care in Paper
Engineering (Origami).
The teaching of art at Phostine culminate into what we celebrate as Phostine Festival of Art and Culture, an event where learners get to see the richness in African culture.
Music and Dance play a large part in our school life and are taught to all classes;
we are fortunate to have specialist instructors for these subjects. The teaching of music develops children’s ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music, as well as give them opportunities to sing and make music.
Children have opportunities to learn to play a range of percussion instruments, as well as, violin, recorder, piano, saxophone and clarinet.
In dance, children learn to create and perform dances using a range of body movement
patterns, including those from different periods of time, places and cultures. Tap to watch our pupils' performance.
All children are required to take part in Games, and Aerobic Exercises to develop physical skills and agility, and to develop an active and healthy lifestyle.
From Reception 2 and above, children go swimming once a week (Thursdays), and are mandated to bring a swimming costume and a towel. Children can only be excused from swimming if they are ill and the school has been informed.
In addition to the science curriculum, which covers areas such as the life cycle, growth and development, children in all stages are offered a programme of sex education. This is organised by Section Heads.
There is a tradition of teaching French at Phostine Premium Schools and children in Nursery-2 to Grade-5 take part in an oral lesson each week.
Origami, also known as paper engineering is the art of folding papers from a plane shape to a 3-dimensional object. It has its origin from Japan, and it is used to teach kids/teenagers the art of patience, coordination, Mathematics, cooperation,and unity. Origami at Phostine is a regularly active
class and children participation and concentration is commendable. The School has produced prodigies in this area of learning including the popular Tomsrigami.
Concept of Mental Arithmetic System (UCMAS) is a modern representation of an ancient art metal arithmetic that has been adapted into programs
to help stimulate children’s brain activity. It is designed to boost brain power and stimulate young minds using abacus and mental arithmetic in a way that children find engaging and fun. Improving speed and accuracy of complex
calculations, like adding several 10-digit numbers within few seconds, is an amazing feat for anyone, let alone children. Our results in the use of UCMAS to enhance children’s number skills has been outstanding. Check out this video of our pupils on UCMAS.
One of the many activities that endears the Phostine brand to the public is the school involvement in competitions for which the school has won laurels. Competitions offer us the opportunity to test the quality of our teaching and use it as benchmark with schools both on the Island and Mainland of Lagos. We are safe and glad to say that our pupils have really proven the stuff they are made of at Phostine when they get to competitions. You need to see the display of confidence, self-belief, knowledge, teamwork and everything that makes a team a champion. Phostine pupils are terror on competition grounds.
Here are some of the competitions we attend regularly:
Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body
and mind. It has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official games in the Olympics.
Taekwondo is a unique oriental martial art. First, physically it is very dynamic with active movements that include a mirage of foot skills. Second, the principle physical movements are in alignment with that of the mind and life as a whole. Third, it possesses dynamic poses from another perspective.
Taekwondo can be characterized by unity: the unity of body, mind, and life, and the unity of the pose and confrontation, and cracking down. Taewondo is a life skill that enhance a child self defence in an unexpected situation now or later in life.
Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric; it is used in many types of garments. Knitting is be done by hand and with special tools at Phostine. Enhancing your child's creative skills in knitting starts in Phostine. In order to make knitting competitive, we organize Inter-house Knitting Competition during regular and summer school.
Swimming as an important life skill is a requirement of the British Curriculum and as such we ensure that children are taught theoretical and practical swimming. Our aim in line with the British Curriculum is that by the age of 11 all pupils should be taught to:
It is a legal requirement that schools hold a daily assembly which includes an act of collective worship. Within our community we have many faiths, all of which are valued, and therefore, assemblies are conducted in a manner that is sensitive to all members of the school. All major festivals are acknowledged, whether they are Christian or Muslim.
Our school has a homework/learning policy and we expect parents to support their children in completing their homework. Homework is designed to reinforce, consolidate
and extend learning which has been undertaken in school, as well as develop independent study skills. Homework requirements are outlined in the communication booklets which are sent to parents each day. All children take books home
regularly to read with their parents. We know that children of all ages benefit enormously from someone taking an interest in their reading, asking questions, making suggestions, or simply sharing a book with them.
Parents have a vital role to play in their child's education, and homework is an important part of this process. We ask parents to value homework as a source of learning for their child. You can help your child’s learning by: Parents have a vital role to play in their child's education, and homework is an important part of this process. We ask parents to value homework as a source of learning for their child. You can help your child’s learning by:
It is essential that children come to school every day and on time, as we know that good attendance leads to good progress. School starts at 7.50 a.m. and registration takes place at 8.30 a.m Children arriving after this time are recorded as late. Children arriving after 9.30 a.m are marked as absent for the morning session.
If a child is ill, parents must place a phone call to the school. Children should be absent from school only if they are ill. If a child needs to be absent for any other reason, parents must contact the Head Instructor. Children cannot be allowed to leave school during the school day unless there is an emergency, in which case the child should be picked up personally by the parent or named carer with the consent of the Head Instructor.
These do happen in school as they do elsewhere in the community. We provide first aid where necessary and will contact you immediately if the situation demands it. Sometimes it is necessary for a child to be taken to hospital and if this happens you will be contacted as soon as possible. A member of staff will always accompany a child to the hospital and stay with child until your arrival. As responsible school, we eliminate any accident causing situation when we notice them. All accidents are recorded.
The school should be notified immediately if a child has an infectious disease. Children who are unwell with an infectious disease should not be at school. Once they feel better, they will be admitted to class, unless they pose a risk of infection to others. Infection that require evidence of complete cure include COVID-19, measles, flu, small pox, chicken pox and any other infectious disease not mentioned here.
We cannot administer medication to a child unless it is prescribed by a doctor. If a child needs to take a prescribed medicine during the school day, their parent should take the medicine to the School Office and complete a brief form authorizing the administrative staff to dispense the medicine to their child.
The school should be made aware of any allergies from which a child may suffer before the child joins the school. Many children suffer from asthma and parents are asked to complete a medical form for their child, to ensure that they receive the correct treatment when necessary.
The school contracts the service of a professional food vendor for a Healthy, well-balanced meals. Children may bring packed lunch if they prefer and this should contain a balanced meal with no fizzy drinks.
The under listed includes the events we organize at Phostine:
If parents wish to make a complaint, it is recommended that in the first instance they speak to the Head Instructor or Business Development Officer (BDO).
Behaviour which shows lack of thought for other people is unacceptable. We will not tolerate any behaviour which is aimed at hurting another person or group of people. In the case of serious misbehaviour, the Head Instructor will contact parents to discuss the matter. The Head Instructor has the authority to exclude a child from school, either permanently or for a fixed period, if that child’s behaviour can no longer reasonably be contained within the school.
Incidents of bullying are always taken seriously and are dealt with in accordance with the school’s Behaviour Policy. We strongly encourage our children to tell us, or someone close to them, if they experience bullying of any kind, so that it can be dealt with immediately.
Parents play a vital role in ensuring the success of Phostine Premium Schools and are strongly encouraged to become involved in the activities of the school. Regular newsletters are sent out to inform parents of key events and dates, and to ask for help in the classroom. Parents can help by doing any of the following: listening to children read; reading to children; taking small groups to do cooking; giving talks to groups